Image Description:  A photo of a fluffy cream Poodle-X medium sized dog centred in the photo, wearing a light green collar with a black buckle and tag hanging from it. A dark green harness strap centred vertically is visible between the dog's front legs. A black fabric lead is trailing in front of the dog. To the left of the dog is a thick stick and the background shows thin long grass, some green some dried and brown, some ferns and other low laying green plants growing on the ground, with several leaves forming leaf litter across the ground.

Branching Out To Create My Map - Finding The Perfect Place To Call Home 

21st March 2020

TLDR Summary: The story narrates the process of finding the perfect location for a dream project, a Wellness Retreat Centre. Careful consideration of various factors including proximity to cities, airports, natural features and overall climate were noted. After extensive research and visiting possible properties across different Australian regions, a promising starting place that aligned with the checklist criteria was found.

Once my vision was clear, I began exploring locations to further realise the dream. My family ardently brainstormed possible land requirements, and nice-to-haves, that could feature on the property. This list was narrowed down, broadened out and narrowed down again until there were some key defining factors of the space. This process has involved amending and refining documentation we first created in 2016. Our ideal became:

▢ Within 1 hour of a large city OR a reasonably sized airport;

 Many acres of mixed farming and forest land;

▢ River/spring running through the property;

▢ A mixture of hills and flat;

▢ Ideally has a hot spring;

▢ Neither too hot in summer or too cold in winter; and▢ Nearby other natural attractions.

After many hours searching the internet (we won’t say how many were reallocated as an avoidance strategy from other important tasks), a short list of possible properties was created. I focused on being in Australia, exploring Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, the Australian Capital Territory, Queensland. The raw, natural beauty of Tasmania left me wondering if perhaps my dream property would be there. Exploring Tasmania during both an impromptu 1-day visit with new friends, and a lengthier week-long stay with family yielded many amazing sights, but ultimately it was not to be.

The thing about chasing dreams, I’ve often found, is a niggling question “Will this ever come true?”. This is always easier to buy into when there are setbacks. Too steep, too cold, too small, too expensive, too rocky, too far from everything, doesn’t feel right… the list goes on. But after each “setback”, I started to realise the look and feel of probably vacant (i.e. no house, yet plenty of wild animals, native birds and plants) gradually the checklist was refined for where the centre will be. I hold immense appreciation for everyone who has been on this journey with me, engaging enthusiastically with the search, regardless of how close or far the property viewed was to the brief. 

I now compassionately share, I have found my starting place. A place to call home, that seems to tick so many boxes of the original checklist:

✓ 1.5 hours drive from Melbourne Airport;

✓ Many acres of mixed farming, native trees and bushland;

✓ Creek located on the property (dry most of the year – but I think still counts!);Largely flat (with increasing disability and reliance on wheels for moving about, accessibility is key, so flat terrain seems a good choice long-term);

✓ Ideally has a hot spring (sorry Dad, this one might need to be artificially created, perhaps a spa?);

✓ Neither too hot in summer or too cold in winter – locals advise the temperature can be very hot in summer and very cold in winter (as all the other boxes have been ticked, comfortable temperature experience will be extended with clever housing eco-features); and

✓ Nearby other natural attractions – lakes, wildlife parks, gardens, reservoirs and bush trails.