Nourished Farm Blog

Cultivate trust, compassion, and connection with animals at Nourished Farm. Join us on this transformative journey.

6th October 2023

The Trust Technique®: A Journey of Mindfulness, Connection, and Transformation

In my world, animals have always held a special place. Their presence, their silent wisdom, and their ability to connect on a level beyond words have intrigued me for as long as I can remember...

Dominique Hewat

Trust Technique Practitioner

21st March 2020

Branching Out to Create My Map - Finding The Perfect Place To Call Home

Once my vision was clear, I began exploring locations to further realise the dream. My family ardently brainstormed possible land requirements, and nice-to-haves, that could feature on the…

Dominique Hewat

Nourished Farm Founder

21st November 2019

The Backstory

Where it all started. Awakening the first day of my new life. Or – did I hear decades of destiny…

Dominique Hewat

Nourished Farm Founder