Image Description:  A photo of a white skinned woman, wearing her hair pulled back in a ponytail, a blue short sleeved shirt, black pants and black/white shoes, sitting in a powered wheelchair facing at an angle away from the camera. The woman appearing to almost have her eyes closed and her hands on her lap, looking towards the direction of a tan kelpie cross dog with white markings who is to the left of the woman curled up on a big mat appearing to be asleep. A black lead is loosely laying next to the dog and held by the woman. In white text at the top left of the image it reads 'Aurora Trust Technique Demo'.

The Trust Technique®: A Journey of Mindfulness, Connection, and Transformation

6th October 2023

TLDR Summary: Discover Dominique's transformative journey of becoming a Trust Technique Practitioner. From a deep passion for animals to embracing mindfulness, find out how this approach improved the wellbeing and connection of Dominique with her animals. Learn how she applied it practically, both personally and at Nourished Farm, and explore the call to join this transformative journey--

In my world, animals have always held a special place. Their presence, their silent wisdom, and their ability to connect on a level beyond words have intrigued me for as long as I can remember. It was this enduring passion for working with and understanding animals that led me on a transformative journey toward becoming a Trust Technique Practitioner.

A Shift in Perspective
I began my journey in the world of animal interaction with traditional dog training methods. However, I soon realised that "dog training" needed to not just be about teaching dogs; it is instead about supporting the humans in the relationship too. When we, as humans, become more aware of how to approach our daily interactions with animals, something magical happens. Animals begin to respond differently – they follow our lead in a way that feels natural, harmonious, and kind.

For me, kind and gentle approaches to influence were paramount. But there was a significant hurdle in my path – a physical disability that prevented me from engaging in the forceful correction methods suggested by some training approaches. This obstacle became a great opportunity for me to reevaluate my approach and seek alternative methods.

The Journey of Discovery
This quest for gentleness led me to positive reinforcement/rewards based dog training. While this approach was certainly more gentle, it often seemed to create anxiety in dogs, inhibiting their ability to think for themselves. I realised that there was more to learn, more to explore. So, my journey continued, fueled by a relentless curiosity to find better ways to connect with animals.

It was during this quest that I stumbled upon The Trust Technique®. As I watched James French's "I Have a Dream" video, something within me stirred. I saw the deep connection he shared with animals, the kind of connection I had always believed possible. It was a connection beyond judgment, beyond words – a place of pure understanding.

The Power of Choice
In the Trust Technique, I found something that resonated deeply with my values. It emphasised the importance of choice in our partnership with animals, of understanding their expectations and limits within the human world we introduce them to. This was the missing piece in the puzzle.

Becoming a Practitioner
I dived headfirst into exploring The Trust Technique®, completing the video course with enthusiasm. However, changes to my physical ability continued to presented a unique challenge. Would it be possible for me to study and practice this technique? I had been discouraged from participating in several courses before. I engaged in discussions with members of The Trust Technique® team to explore reasonable accommodations, adjustments, and adaptations that would allow me to participate to the fullest extent possible.

With the support of friends and friends of friends who generously shared their animals with me, I worked tirelessly to meet the requirements of the program. But little did I know that further difficulties would arise. The restrictions and precautions enforced as part of the COVID-19 pandemic added yet another layer of complexity, making it even harder to access people's homes for in-person sessions.

Creative Solutions and Unwavering Support
Despite these challenges, I refused to give up. I engaged in open and honest discussions with The Trust Technique® team to find creative solutions. We explored how my experience as an Occupational Therapist, using telehealth and videoconferencing for enhanced accessibility, could be applied to my Trust Technique practice. The team supported me every step of the way, adapting the technique to accommodate my unique circumstances.

A Triumph of Persistence
My journey included intensive training, assessments, and deep reflections. It was a journey of persistence, of facing difficult moments head-on, and of adapting to unforeseen circumstances. And, ultimately, it was a triumph. I proudly achieved the Crossfields Institute Level 3 Diploma in Mindfulness For People With Their Animals, becoming a certified Trust Technique Practitioner.

In Practice
But the journey did not end there. I believe in using the skills I am sharing, and I apply the Trust Technique in my daily life, particularly with my dogs. We share the benefits of this mindfulness approach, finding comfort and peace together. It helps ease their anxiety when I leave home, allows them to welcome new canine visitors, and supports their calmness during walks.

We are even making progress with grooming procedures and cooperative care. The Trust Technique® is now one of our 'go-to' tools for navigating higher-stress situations, like visits from guests or nearby fireworks. It empowers us to adapt to changing routines and energies.

Nourished Farm and The Trust Technique®
Nourished Farm is more than just a place; it's a vision brought to life on my property. When I embarked on this journey, I knew that The Trust Technique® would play a significant role in the daily operations here, supporting the well-being of our animals.

We recognise the importance of well-being from various angles, and that includes the influence of the environment. As I envision it, The Trust Technique® is the first of many offerings available at Nourished Farm, a place where like-minded individuals could gather to experience wellbeing, learn and grow together.

The ethos and values that underpin Nourished Farm align perfectly with the principles of The Trust Technique®. We believe in a new way of being, engaging, and interacting with animals, one that emphasises patience, peace, and persistence. It's about fostering an environment where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can come together, bringing their unique strengths to share.

My journey with The Trust Technique® has been transformative, both for me and my animals. It has opened up new channels of understanding, trust, and communication that have enriched our lives in ways I couldn't have imagined. I invite you to consider how The Trust Technique® can be a part in your life too. Whether you have beloved pets at home or work with animals professionally, this approach has the power to deepen your connections, soothe anxieties, and form a start of creating a world of harmony.

Next Steps
If you're ready to experience the profound benefits of The Trust Technique® in your own life and with your animals, don't hesitate to contact us. Reach out to me today to start a conversation about your unique needs and how I can support you on your incredible journey. Together, we can build a world where understanding, patience, and peace are part of your life, as well as your cherished animal companions. Your trust journey starts now.

Disclaimers: The ideas and insights shared in this blog are solely the opinions and experiences of the author, Dominique. They are not intended as professional training advice. Always consult with a qualified veterinarian, animal trainer or behaviorist for personalised guidance related to your animal's training and behaviour.

This page contains an affiliate link, which means if you make a purchase of the video course through this link, I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Your support helps me to keep sharing information with others about The Trust Technique®, including 'paying forward' to support foster carers and rescue group organisers.