Image Description:  A close-up photo capturing a solitary black ant, positioned at the center of a pink flower with six delicate white petals. The ant's head aligns perfectly with the flower's center. In the background, three additional flowers can be seen. The lush natural setting features blurred grass, leaves, and tree bark, creating a harmonious, nature-filled scene.

The Backstory

21st March 2019

TLDR Summary: The story narrates the process of finding the perfect location for a dream project, a Wellness Retreat Centre. Careful consideration of various factors including proximity to cities, airports, natural features and overall climate were noted. After extensive research and visiting possible properties across different Australian regions, a promising starting place that aligned with the checklist criteria was found.

Where it all started. Awakening the first day of my new life. Or – did I hear decades of destiny calling?

Have you ever experienced an idea that was accompanied by a feeling of rightness? One of alignment. A deep recognition. A resonance which speaks: “this is what I need to do, where I want to go, and to create a deeper sense of I belonging”?

I thought it all started about 6 years ago, on a road trip between Melbourne and Adelaide. I was to find out later that it had actually started much earlier. In the discussion with my Dad, I outlined my dream to develop a Wellness Retreat Centre. A place people can come to, wherever they are in their journey through life, to engage in a range of experiential offerings. 

Within my dream the Retreat Centre offers a strong sense of community, a place to just be. Inviting visitors to step back from the busy-ness, the fast paced, non-stop lifestyle so many have adopted to be the norm these days. 

I envisage an environment where people are celebrated for their strengths. A culture where learning with a focus on continued development is valued and encouraged.

I imagine a place people can come to learn new skills, take them home and embed them in their day-to-day life. I dream of a location that brings like-minds together, strengthening a sense of community, even while back in the “real world”.

But that, I later discovered, was not the real beginning.

 I recognised his mannerism, it is the one he uses when he is interested in what I am saying, perhaps has even been thinking about something similar. It’s his way of encouraging me to continue, wanting to hear my ideas before he selects one of his (left-field-type, that no one else has come up with before) own thought processes, to extend me in whatever it is I suggested or am doing.

Over the last couple of years, in the many discussions I had with my parents it has become clearer that my dream is not just my dream. In fact there was another beginning. Long, long ago, (OK I should probably not make it sound that long) my parents were planning their life together, they shared a dream to create a Healing Centre. So much so that three weeks after relocating to Australia during the late ’80s, they bought 11 acres of land, 50 km south east of Melbourne in Upper Beaconsfield, nestled into the foothills of the beautiful Dandenong Ranges.

With a shared passion for spirituality and natural healing approaches, they planned to develop a location people could go to for wellness or healing offerings. Despite not having discussed this, I am finding our visions remarkably well aligned. Together we are exploring how to make the impossible possible.

I am so grateful for the encouragement from my parents, family, friends, colleagues and all others who have offered their excitement and support. This blog is evolving after numerous enthusiastic requests to keep updates on progress and how they can be part of what is emerging.

I know, without doubt, there is no way I can do this alone. In fact, to be honest, I don’t want to do this alone! The whole concept is exhilarating to me because it’s about building a community, where people of all abilities are welcomed. It will be a space where all people can bring their strengths. Most of all, where people can learn how to really value who they are and how they bring value to the world.